10 reasons why leaders invest in employee enablement

People are a crucial part of each organization.

Yes, even in 2023.

Yes, even if the worldwide sales volume of robots in the workplace in 2023 has risen vastly compared to years before.

That’s why broad-minded CEOs and leaders focus on employee enablement to improve productivity and build high-performing teams.

If you are considering putting people first within your company but are still determining whether such a move would yield fruitful results, check out the following ten reasons why you should invest in employee enablement.


But first, what is employee enablement?

Employee enablement consists of numerous strategies and processes built to motivate employees to give the best results and grow as professionals. Here are some of the most common employee enablement examples and practices: building a people-first company culture, rewarding great results, facilitating promotions based on results, providing learning and development opportunities, etc. Simply put, employee enablement processes could be anything that can help you build a healthy organizational culture.


Reasons to consider employee enablement

There are many reasons you should look into employee enablement and make it one of the primary strategies for your staff. Here’s how enabled workers can benefit your business.

#1: Your employees will be engaged.

Employee engagement and employment are terms that often get mixed up and misused.

Employee engagement consists of processes that should keep employees on-task and emerge them into projects, all to ensure high productivity levels.

Employee enablement, however, focuses on employee satisfaction long term, providing them with any type of resources so they can do their job as they can. It is clear that these two terms go hand in hand.

 Nowadays, global employee engagement is concerning. According to employee data and workplace trends in Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report. Only 21% of global employees feel engaged.


So, if you focus on finding ways to ensure long-term employee satisfaction, you will undoubtedly boost employee engagement and productivity, and vice versa.


#2: Your employees’ performance will improve.

As mentioned above, employee enablement puts people first; their needs, wishes, career progression, skills, and development. Such a view of work and work/life balance promotes better productivity and performance.

Your staff will be much happier coming to work and knowing that their working potential can be actualized within the company they work for, and won’t need to look elsewhere for new job opportunities and roles.


#3: You’ll build trusting relationships and a healthy company culture.

When your company clearly communicates to workers how they grow professionally and allows them to do so, it builds strong relationships.

That’s why it is essential that anything that management communicates or promotes is true and based on real data.

Kadar allows you to keep track of each employee’s performance and monitor their progress and success. Based on such results, you can communicate to your staff what the next step in their career should be, all that with actual data to back up your decision. Once employees see that the data is factual and that you are transparent about data monitoring, they will have no problem trusting your judgment and communicating their wishes and desires clearly.

#4: You will reduce employee turnover.

In this day and age, new career opportunities are just around the corner. No matter which industry your company belongs to, competitors always offer excellent working conditions and company culture on paper. That’s why employee enablement is so essential 一 it stops them from looking for other opportunities by giving them a sense of belonging to your company, making it hard for them to leave your organization. Make no mistake, staff enablement won’t stop them from leaving your company for good, but it will make them think twice before they answer a recruiter’s message on LinkedIn.

Additionally, by reducing employee turnover, worker enablement reduces costs (time- and money-wise) of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new employees.

#5: You’ll improve customer experience.

When workers at all levels are satisfied with their roles and responsibilities and are passionate and committed to their work, it reflects on how they relate to customers.

Here’s an example.

When you go through a McDonald’s drive-through, you know exactly what the employee will ask you when taking your order. Additionally, once you pick up your order, the staff will likely greet you with a smile and politely hand you the order. At McDonald’s, each employee is there to deliver a pleasant experience to each customer.

The same goes for workers in any industry; you don’t have to be a fast-food giant to have committed employees who know the basics of great customer experience.

If workers are satisfied with their positions, chances are they will adopt the philosophy that the customer is king faster. They will do anything to ensure customers get the best experience.

#6: You’ll build a reputable company image.

Low employee turnover makes your company seem like a reputable, reliable employer. Not only that, when you promote employee enablement and healthy work culture, you will almost certainly get positive reviews online and have workers who act as advocates for your company on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and other websites.

#7: You will create a competitive advantage.

Creating a people-first mindset and culture throughout a company is challenging. But it is valuable and, most importantly, difficult to replicate.

Many companies nowadays perform employee engagement surveys to ensure stable employee productivity. In reality, employee enablement and engagement are much more than filling out a survey, which only a few organizations are aware of. So, if you are serious about staff enablement, research ways you can help them feel seen and enabled.


One of the ways to ensure employee enablement is to allow employees to develop their careers, and Kadar can assist you with that. Kadar enables you to create individual career pathways based on workers’ skills, performance, and job level. Book a demo to see what a career progression plan can look like!

#8: You’ll create a culture of innovation.

When teams are empowered and motivated to achieve success, they are more likely to think outside the box and create innovations. And knowing that innovation is high-desirable in the ever-changing market, supporting your employees might be one of the ways to motivate them to achieve competitive advantage.

So, remember: engaged employees don’t sit down and wait for the competition to create a new product so they can copy it; they are always ahead of the curve, researching new options and making suggestions to improve the products, processes, or tools within the company.

#9: Your company’s profit will increase.

Having engaged employees implies having a rise in profit.

According to the previously mentioned Gallup research, engaged and enabled teams are proven to be at least 23% more profitable. So, just imagine your company’s profit rising by a fifth of what it was last year, all because you invested in supercharging your employees’ efforts and motivations. It shows that investing in people always leads to rewards for your business.


#10: You’ll invest in your company’s success.

If you are engaging your employees and allowing them to make decisions and be a part of the solution, chances are the workers will be invested in your brand.

What does this mean?

Well, as mentioned above, staff that feels supported tends to work more efficiently and even produce more than it is expected of them. Naturally, such drive translates to customer relationships and ultimately positively affects the company’s revenue and profits. One can positively say that investing in employee enablement creates sustained success.


Every organization should ensure that its employees are engaged and enabled. It is an investment that benefits all stakeholders: employees, customers, and the company itself.